Tuesday, 9 August 2011

The 5th Dimension

The curtains open and I step forward to the front of the centre stage, bowing downwards with the top hat outstretched to wish you a very warm welcome! In the distance, the clowns are rolling over one another creating a human pyramid and the smoke is flying through the air with the scent of hot pop corn all around us and the roar of the crowd deafening from the last scene with the elephants and the tigers and the burning hoolahoops carried by the laughing pint sized dogs. 

All great tales must have a prologue. In fact, any tale must have a prologue, regardless of size, shape or stature, such is this one, a beginning of sorts.

There is a sound from above the balcony and the camera's click into life, whilst the typewriter below bursts forwards, the keys banging down on the ink like hammers onto cold iron.

Lights, camera, action. Let's roll!

The 5th Dimension, written and directed by Ciaron Davies. Starring Fionnuala Collins and Ciaron Davies. That's the trailer of the epic short that's going to be busting its way soon at a festival near you! A film noire, fantasy, sci-fi horror, this tale follows the eternal conflict between two very important people. Post production has just finished. If you like the trailer send it on to your friends.

Fionnuala Collins as Fate in The 5th Dimension

Ciaron Davies as Destiny in The 5th Dimension

Fionnuala Collins as Fate in The 5th Dimension

Fionnuala Collins as Fate in The 5th Dimension
 Stay tuned for forthcoming updates about festival screenings of The 5th Dimension near you. It is not to be missed.

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